Float Your Dock
Boat Lift Helper is an amazing tool that will simplify the installation and positioning of your dock and boat lift. With the Boat Lift Helper you'll never have to gather a team of helpers to help you lift your dock into place. If you're lucky enough to have a dock on wheels, you still know that it can be a strenuous task to push your dock out on a rocky, muddy, or weedy lake bottom.
Simply attach Boat Lift Helper’s air-lift-bags onto your dock to glide it on a cushion of air into your lake. When your dock is in position, simply remove the air-lift-bags and transfer them to your boat lift for easy installation.
You may want to purchase a second Boat Lift Helper that can be added to your dock to simplify launching of your dock into the lake and have it remain attached to the dock.
User’s Example Of Dock Install
Here is how a Boat Lift Helper owner adapted his kit to be used for a dock install in his troublesome lake bottom. Docks vary greatly in their size and construction so your application is likely to vary from this example.
In this application the owner has attached 2”x4” boards which are wider than the dock for attaching the air-lift-bags. Note that clamps have been added to be attached to the dock tubing. The clamps will prevent slippage of the inflated bags as the dock is moved.
Here is a close-up view of the clamps attached to the tubing of the dock. Be certain than the weight of your dock does not exceed the limit of your Boat Lift Helper kit (800 lbs. standard version).
The air-lift-bags should be attached towards the lake end of the dock to ensure buoyancy as the dock is moved into deeper water. Be sure to follow the safety instructions of the Boat Lift Helper to ensure that you have help to maintain stability and control of your dock while it is floating.
Be sure to take into consideration the weight balance of items on your dock such as the seat pictured here.
U.S. Patent 8123433, Canada Pending